Osmo Preload Hydration received kudos for being the best super concentrated sodium drink for runners in RunToTheFinish’s recent article The Best Electrolyte Powder Right Now.
Amanda Brooks, founder of RunToTheFinish explains why she and Dr Stacy Simms choose Osmo Preload Hydration before big workouts, particularly in hot conditions. “It’s designed to increase blood plasma levels 8-11%, which means ‘by boosting plasma levels and sodium stores hours before you begin to sweat, you’ll increase your blood circulation so that you can diffuse body temperature for better performance and less cramping.’”
Our salty Pineapple Margarita flavor is a crowd-pleaser. It’s perfect for welcoming the pain cave while deterring cramps. It’s nearly 5 o’clock somewhere…Osmo bottles up–cheers to your next salty workout!

Read RunToTheFinish’s full article here.